Research / Practice

During the course of her twenty year long career both as a Mental Health Clinician as well as an Academic, Daniella Angueli has worked on various aspects of Clinical Psychopathology, Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: 


  • Adults’ psychosis (Public Hospital of Attica)

  • Childrens’ psychosis and autism (Day Centre of Children's’ Hospital “P. & N. Kyriakou”)

  • Family complexes, familial criminality (research in the Prison of Koridallos, Athens)

  • Adolescent psychopathology (Department of Adolescents’ and Youngsters’ Mental Health of Day Care Hospital “Gennimata”)

She has conducted research on Epistemology and on History of Psychoanalysis (UFR Rennes II),

on subjective positions of those involved in psychodynamic therapy (UFR Rennes II),

on the unconscious “logic” of speech and language and the influence of social discourses on the subject (UFR Paris VIII),

on current French Philosophy and its relation to Psychoanalysis (UFR Paris VIII) and on Psychoanalysis in relation to Art.